Monday, September 11, 2006

Sad news

I listened to the radio this morning on my way to work. I don’t have the Volga anymore and the new car has a radio. The radio newscaster was interviewing local Afghans about the recent suicide bombing. Everyone I heard on the radio was against suicide bombings. The real question is, do they think that the suicide bombers are martyrs (and therefore, destined for a place in heaven?)? Some Muslims, unless they are religious scholars, are hesitant to make these pronouncements. But that wasn’t the case here. Everyone on the radio said, “No, the suicide bombers aren’t martyrs. The innocents he killed were martyrs.”

I have been trying to avoid the news regarding the recent attack. It’s just too much to dwell on right now. Unfortunately, things are getting worse. The governor of Paktia, Governor Taniwal, was killed. He was an academic who taught in Australia and moved here to help rebuild Afghanistan. He was a true patriot.

Today is September 11, 2006. Please say a little prayer for all the lives lost, everywhere. My life has changed so much since September 11th, 2001. So many lives lost, yet a re-birth for Afghanistan. I pray that Afghanistan isn’t forgotten again.

I'm sad but still, determined and hopeful. Drop by drop, we make a river.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a sad day. But with Faith, we have Hope... for a better tomorrow... and we pray for it.

Your last line is beautiful... drop by drop...

May you stay safe and your country find it's way to a beautiful tomorrow where the hills glisten green with peace and the air smells sweet with peace.

Anonymous said...

oops. i meant the last word to be "joy" --- as in "...the air smells sweet with joy."

Feel free to edit for me :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, it seems like it's bad or sad news, day after day. But the radio callers' responses you mentioned give me some hope. It sounds like there is a majority against violence and suicide bombers. I hope that's really the case, and if so, I think it's important for non-Muslims to hear that. (Unfortunately, I fear that knowing there is a majority against them won't necessarily change the minds of those who choose violence.)

Here in the U.S., the news has been pretty focused on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks...