Saturday, March 31, 2007

Blogs that make me go hmmmm

The very sweet Frida tagged me for a ‘meme’. I must admit, I have always wanted to be tagged for a meme (am I using this word correctly? Is it a noun or a verb?), and this one was especially sweet as I have been tagged for a meme and also been given a Thinking Bloggers Award. Check the link for the explanation and instructions. I have to nominate 5 blogs that make me think. They, in turn, must nominate the 5 blogs that make them think.

I initially wanted to re-tag Frida, as her blog very gently pushes me to meet my own emotions and thoughts about working in Afghanistan head-on. But I think that would defeat the purpose of the meme. I also added some of my own rules, as I didn’t think it would be appropriate to nominate private blogs or those that no longer post very often (I’m looking at Q & Vasco!).

The common theme among my list of 5 blogs is that they force me to broaden my thought process. They’re all honest, smart and courageous with the unique ways they approach life. Thanks y’all.

Safrang – I keep finding and then losing track of Safrang but each time I find him, I am struck by his insight on Afghanistan. Unflinchingly honest, direct and with a deep knowledge of Afghan politics, his posts are always thought provoking. Now, if he could just stick to one website address...

Revolt in the Desert – LoA adds pictures to my very literal world. Did I tell you that I sometimes dream that in words? LoA pushes me to meet art and philosophy and helps me grasp some of the subtleties.

Dans le meilleur des mondes possibles
– E puts up with no bull. Similar to Safrang, she refuses to take things at face-value, preferring to understand the intricacies of the subject. E is a new mother and development worker in Tajikistan, so her approach is always multi-faceted and interesting. She also disposes of comment trolls in an efficient manner; we should all take lessons from her.

AKA:OMG – My ‘real-life’ friend. O’s humor and wonderful writing style is always entertaining and insightful. After reading her blog, I pay more attention to every day occurrences, hoping to see life as she does. If only you would write a book. I would dawdle by your book display and holler, “THIS IS MY FRIEND, I TOLD HER TO WRITE.” I still hold out hope.

Koonj – Koonj approaches the Ummah (community of Muslims) and our failings courageously and openly but with great compassion. Refusing to let go of Islam while facing the hypocrisy of our community takes a brave soul. She also tackles the difficulties of motherhood, migration and academia with great honesty.


Anonymous said...

What kind, beautiful words. Thank you, my dear.

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Eeek, what a treasure trove of blogs to explore!

omg said...

Oh gosh. I'm blushing. Thank you, chica. I must admit, though, that my blog isn't nearly as noble as these others sound. I suspect I'm listed because I'm a "real-life" friend and I know where you live. ;-)

Of course I owe my blog to you, since you're the one who told me to do it ("do it. do it."). And if I ever write a book, I will have to stand by you, by the display, and shout "THIS IS MY FRIEND, SHE TOLD ME TO WRITE!"

I looked up the term "meme" three weeks ago. Now I am in one. This is something like the twilight zone, isn't it? Well, I suppose I have been tagged and must start thinking. This could be hard, the problem being that yours is the only blog I really get into these days. [/acceptance speech]

homeinkabul said...
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homeinkabul said...

K: You're welcome. :)

MM: This meme was lots of fun.

OMG: No, I have plenty of friends who blog and they too know where I live...Please do put my name in your pulitzer prize acceptance speech also. :)

Anonymous said...

Fabulous nominations, I had visited some through your blog before and forgot to go back (it's a big world out there and easy to get lost in it if you don't leave a trail of crumbs behind you).

Thanks for playing!

Lawrence of Arabia said...

thank you very much. this was very kind of you.


Unknown said...

Why thank you! For the tagging -which I believe is my very first in my three or so years of blogging- and for those encouraging words. I will remember to pass it on in a post on my blog soon, and you have my word that I will stick with Wordpress until another new and shiny blogging service strikes my fancy :)

(Also I replied to your comment on my blog about Karzai stepping down -and alerted many a dear friend to the exciting new feature from Gmail!)