Tuesday, April 03, 2007

We are dainty dainty flowers.

Caring for your introvert


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that.

Who knew I was an introvert?

According to Myers Briggs I'm an ESTJ

what are you?

Anonymous said...

Was that aimed at me? :D I found it greatly amusing. I don't agree that introverts like to have deep, emotional conversations about themselves, but in other cases he is right on the money. Hell really is other people at breakfast.


Anonymous said...

C: I've decided that I am an introvert though I do social interaction. Perhaps I'm a bit of both...

O, totally not aimed at you. It's about me (see, I am an introvert)...I am hiding out this morning so I don't have to see anybody. :)

Anonymous said...

totally having an introvert night.

you know how in lawschool at orientation they told us that we'll find ourselves counting the seconds when our family calls "just to chat" and that we'll want them to "get to the point" so we can end the conversation and move on? well, i think that person was an introvert

and tonight, so am i.

I really tried to be patient, but finally, embolded by this article, i voiced my frustration and desire for quiet.

maybe i'm mean?

on another, but related note... i always have to repeat myself when talking to family - don't ask me why - it doesn't happen with all the other people I meet in the world - just my family. And, so, I've always HATED to repeat myself.

I sent this article to my sisters with the part highlighted about introverts hating to repeat themselves.

I'm just expressing ALL my frustrations to the family tonight! It's a good thing I'm several continents away and so any harm I do is limited. Luckily, since they are all my family, they won't remember what I said and will ask me to REPEAT myself. By then I should be back to normal and able to refrain from screaming in frustration and, instead, will simply say "oh, nothing."

homeinkabul said...

I am an ISFJ


Maybe law school turns us into introverts...

homeinkabul said...

Or family, maybe family makes us into introverts

Anonymous said...

and I just thought I was becoming a hermit...I love the part about feeling physically exhausted by some people/interactions. it's so true!

Unknown said...

I always thought that I was an arrogant misanthrope. Turns out that I am just introverted. Go figure

homeinkabul said...

We should all have an introvert club. But we'd never like to meet b/c the thought of actually meeting would make us tired.

We're all so misunderstood.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Who knew! No wonder I just want to retreat into a hole after one night out. And I agree with the author and OMG - hell truly is other people at breakfast (except the occassional sunday morning brunch with good friends and greasy food).